Ask the Doctor*

A few people have stumbled on this site because they were searching “how to get rid of turtle head pain.” Hehehe.. sorry, but that’s funny. My advice* on how to get rid of turtle head pain is to take a dump. If you can’t take a dump because you’re constipated,

Sunday Funday

I am sitting on the toilet squeezing out a big one as I am typing this entry. I haven’t done a live entry in a while now, it’s kind of fun. I think I just tore my butthole. I have had recent constipation problems, and that last log felt like

It’s Friday.

It’s Friday! Friday! Gotta get down on Friday! Good thing about it being Friday? Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend, weekend! Bad thing about it being Friday? I haven’t pooped since Sunday! You know, the day that comes after Saturday. So no partying, partying (yeah) or fun, fun, fun, fun