My coworker who makes the ginourmous farts and poops and other bodily noises has retired today. This makes me very sad. My trips to the bathroom will no longer be fun and adventurous and full of surprises. I will miss her butt horn and those melodious tunes she whistles from
Happy Poo Year!
I am on vacation, and I have travel constipation. No news there. I was hoping to go into the new year with a cleansed colon. Out with the old, in with the new… new what? I’m not really sure. But all I know is I do not want three day
Super Celery
I have been constipated for the past week. I was able to poop little pebbles a couple of those days, but overall, my butt has been plugged up. I was feeling so bottom heavy from all the poo that needed to be released, so I ate some celery for lunch.