
I had the squirts bad.. this was at work, so I ran into the office bathroom and hurriedly released the poisons trying to escape my body via butthole. I was in such a rush that I didn’t notice there was someone in the stall next to mine. I pushed out

Poopoo dance

I hate doing the poopoo dance. It’s very much like the peepee dance, except instead of holding in an exploding bladder, I’m holding in an exploding anus. An exploding anus of exploding diarrhea. I was at the convenience store taking my time looking at snacks. Then all of a sudden,


I had a really dissatisfying poop the other day. I don’t know how I get these poops, but it’s the kind where the poo balls don’t completely fuse into log form yet, and you end up dropping little poo cannon balls into the toilet. The size of my balls (hehe)