I was walking from my office to my car last night and I had the urge to fart. I looked around to make sure I was alone and let out what I thought would be a big stinky wet fart. Unfortunately it was a big stinky wet turd. I clinched
Barf bag
My pregnant friend has just dropped some frowny-face news on me. This makes me not want to have kids. Ever. She was making some brown baby boys in the toilet, and when she was done, she felt like she wasn’t really done. She wiped, but it didn’t feel clean. So
Eat Spinach. Kill a Tree.
I ate spinach for lunch today. I pooped 10 minutes ago. I did about 10 minutes of butt-wiping. That danged spinach-infested poo just would not clear off my butthole! I am raw from all the wiping.