I think I have an unhealthy fear of dirty public bathrooms. I often have reoccurring dreams where I’m not at home and need to pee very badly, so I find a public restroom. They all look about the same in my dreams.. they are dark, dingy, and dirty. In the
I had to fart after dinner. My stomach was not upset, I did not have any abnormal intestinal gaseous bubbles, nothing was wrong with my digestive system. I just had the urge to let some gas out. So as I pushed out my fart, something felt funny and non-gassy. I
Butthole surfer
I pooped a massive log, and as it slid out and hit the water, there was back splash. It’s usually just a couple small drops on either butt cheek, but today’s splash hit me straight in the butthole! UGH!!!! I immediately reached for the toilet paper to dab my poor