I was at a dinner party last night. After the meal, the host served ice cream. I am lactose intolerant so it was obvious that I should have declined dessert. But who can say no to ice cream?! Not me!!!! I had three scoops. It was three scoops too many.
See you later, Old friend!
My coworker who makes the ginourmous farts and poops and other bodily noises has retired today. This makes me very sad. My trips to the bathroom will no longer be fun and adventurous and full of surprises. I will miss her butt horn and those melodious tunes she whistles from
Brown Christmas
Hope everyone had a pleasant and wonderful Christmas. I went to a friend’s for a little get together. The house was nicely decorated. The food smelled wonderful. The Christmas spirit was in the air. Until I went to use the guest bathroom. I went to relieve myself with #1, and