I have been spewing soft serve poopies for the last four days. I have not changed my diet, so I’m not sure what’s causing my mushy, whipped poops, but it’s nice that it’s not stretching my bunghole (like my usual poops) when I push ’em out. You’re welcome for that
Oops I did it again
I should really learn to poop before I go on my run. I had turtle head for three miles not too long ago. I decided against running six miles just to alleviate the strain on my bunghole. Only smart thing I’ve done so far today.
After I woke up this morning, I produced my morning pee and farted a nice long intestine-deflating fart. It was almost like a wet bean fart, but it wasn’t wet. As I looked down to wipe, I saw a big nasty bug in the toilet that I didn’t notice before