If you are reading this, you can’t sue me for you vomiting on your computer keyboard or in your lap or anywhere. I am a squeaky clean person. When I shower, I make sure all my orifices are soaped, scrubbed, and soaked with water. This includes my bunghole. But to
Rut Roh
I haven’t pooped in three days, and the weird thing is I don’t feel like I need to poop. Usually when I’m constipated, I feel bottom heavy and my butt feels like it’s carrying a ton of bricks. Not sure what is up there plugging the exit of my bunghole..
It’s Tearing Up My Butt When I’m With You
I hadn’t pooped in three days, and during those three days I was eating nothing but meat. I finally pooped this morning, and it was a doozy. It also hurt like a motherf@*$er coming out, too. Three big boulders. One for each day I didn’t poop. Each one I strained