remember Lay’s WOW chips a few years ago? they were advertised as a healthier fat free chip. anyway, i used to eat a lot of them and they’d give me diarrhea. that kinda sucked except id lose a pound or two every time that happened, so it wasnt so bad.
five dollar foot longs
i just pushed out a twelve-incher. if you’re a guy, you may not be so impressed. im sure that’s the standard for boys. but for a petite 100lb girl, that’s pretty bad ass! at least i think so.
ass blaster
I was at a house party tonight when I suddenly, without warning, felt intestinal gurgles. i thought maybe it wasn’t so bad and i could hold it out until after the party, but 10 seconds in, i started sweating, my face was turning red, and i was feeling severe intestinal