Poo Explosion

It happened. I finally pooped. And it was the size of a mango. Multiple mangoes. My poor bunghole. They fell hard into the toilet. And you know what that means– MEGA SPLASH! Before I dropped my pants, I lined the bowl water with strips of toilet paper to soften the

Rut Roh

I haven’t pooped in three days, and the weird thing is I don’t feel like I need to poop. Usually when I’m constipated, I feel bottom heavy and my butt feels like it’s carrying a ton of bricks. Not sure what is up there plugging the exit of my bunghole..


Bad judgments were made today and last night. Mistake #1: I ate expired Easy Mac last night for dinner. This morning I had a horrendously painful dump. I knew I didn’t get all of it out and that I’d have more explosive butt outbursts later on in the day. Around