I hope everyone had a great 4th of July yesterday! Mine wasn’t too bad. I got a haircut, had a steak lunch and a slushie, worked out, ate hot dogs and brownies and ice cream for dinner, played with dogs, had stinky explosive watery diarrhea, then watched a movie. Somewhere
Is it normal to have an aching bunghole after every shit you take? Even when my poops are soft, my fartbox still hurts after I wipe. Maybe I’m wiping too hard. Or maybe I have internal hemorrhoids. It’s not so painful that I can’t sit down after I poop, and
Fist Pumps for Farts
I went shopping at the sports store with my boyfriend, and I had to fart. It was the tiniest of farts. Barely a whisper, and so small that I almost felt nothing breeze through my butt cheeks. But as soon as I released that pinch of a toot, my boyfriend