Men aren’t the only ones with bazooka butts. My mom has a mega machine gun fart box. She can really rip one like she just ate a can of beans, but she doesn’t need beans to make her sputtering wet bean farts. Her butt is just gifted when it comes
Flu Dump
My employer was offering free flu shots this morning ’til 11am. I had completely forgotten about this until about 10:45am. I started making my way to the health clinic until I had a sudden urge to poo. No sweat. I am a super speedy pooper, so I could dump and
Sonic Boom Butt
Is it true that all men have machine-gun-sounding poo-sputtering farts every time they poop? It sounds like a gun battle is commencing whenever my boyfriend sits down to take a dump. I sometimes get the fart sputters too, but that only happens when I have diarrhea; the boyfriend’s a-hole shoots