Mass Exodus

It came. The mudslide I’ve been waiting for since last Friday has finally exited my butt. I’ve have a few mediocre turds since then, but nothing satisfactory. This morning’s poo session was glorious. At first it oozed out slowly, then it picked up the pace and started sputtering. My butt

Fizz Fizz Plop Plop

I missed an awesome pooping opportunity, and now I have messed up my bowels. I don’t usually drink Coca Cola (I consume one can every few months, and I rarely finish an entire can), but when I do treat myself to a can of delicious fizzy syrup, it gives me

Midnight Beverage

Some advice: don’t drink San Pellegrino Limonata right before going to bed (especially on an empty stomach). It’s a sparkling, carbonated and very acidic beverage. It’s delicious and refreshing, but it bubbled right from when it entered my mouth, throughout my stomach and into my intestines, and it continued to