Oh, man.. or more like oh, woman. I was washing my hands in the office bathroom when a coworker walked in and used the stall adjacent to the sink. As soon as she dropped trou, an unbearable fishy stench filled the area. I wonder if she knew I could smell
See you later, Old friend!
My coworker who makes the ginourmous farts and poops and other bodily noises has retired today. This makes me very sad. My trips to the bathroom will no longer be fun and adventurous and full of surprises. I will miss her butt horn and those melodious tunes she whistles from
smelly cat
using the bathroom immediately after someone just used it is a little gross. this is very common at the movie theater, airport, bar, etc. today it happened at work. i waited for a stall, and after it was freed, i walked in expecting the normal lingering odor of urine or