I am on vacation, and I have travel constipation. No news there. I was hoping to go into the new year with a cleansed colon. Out with the old, in with the new… new what? I’m not really sure. But all I know is I do not want three day
I looked like a fool with my pants on the ground
I flew yesterday, and of course, I had the squirts. I guess I was especially nervous about flying because of all the crappy weather that’s been going on, so my intestinal gurgling started a day before my flight. I pooped out a long, mushy and skinny log that measured about
Brown Christmas
Hope everyone had a pleasant and wonderful Christmas. I went to a friend’s for a little get together. The house was nicely decorated. The food smelled wonderful. The Christmas spirit was in the air. Until I went to use the guest bathroom. I went to relieve myself with #1, and