I ate fajitas last night. Strips of marinated beef, cheese, sour cream, guacamole, rice, beans, and a grilled stalk of green onion all rolled up into a delicious flour tortilla. As I bit into my roll of goodness, my teeth hit the green onion stalk, and instead of tearing through
Is it time to poop yet?
I am sitting at my desk and my butt feels hot. I think I am about to have the squirts, but I am swamped with work. All the stress of deadlines at work is contributing to my upcoming green apple splatters. That office toilet seat would really come in hand
Open for Business
I love the toilet at work. I can always count on it to gulp up my monster dumps in their entirety, unlike my shallow home toilet where the tip of the dookie would peek out the top of the water surface. No sewage smells at work! Well, at least not