Jar o Farts

I pooped a really big poop. It felt good to get all that junk out of me, especially the peanut butter. Then I farted 20 minutes later, and to my surprise, it smelled like I didn’t poop at all. Curses, peanut butter!! It’s going to take a few days of

BFF Pooter

I received this email from a friend today: So you want to hear something gross? Remember how I told you I plugged up the toilet that one night? And then Tom had to go out into the freezing cold and buy a plunger, but Walmart didn’t have one, so then

Poopy Chicken

I ate an entire box of Chicken in a Biskit yesterday, and last night I had violent explosive diarrhea. It started off as a fast intense pain in my abdomen, which felt like an alien kicking my insides trying to bust through my stomach. That lasted a few minutes until