Crap Attack

I’ve been having extraordinary poops lately, and I could not figure out why because my diet has been very ordinary. Then I realized I’m about to get a visit from Aunt Ruby… TMI? (This entire blog is TMI!!) LOL. 🙂

It’s a Boy! (I think)

Congratulations are in order. I had twins today. Two identical baby boys (or girls, I couldn’t really tell). They looked to be about the same size with similar lumpinesses. The first one came out this morning at 10:35am, weighing 6.7 ounces and measuring 7 glorious inches. Baby number two came


My dog was right. My poops smell horrendous. I just finished taking a dump, so I sneaked a peek at my little gems before wiping and covering my masterpiece with toilet paper. As soon as I looked down, a whiff of poo stench hit my nose hard. It was completely