I held the elevator door open for a stranger yesterday (he didn’t say thank you). As we were going up, I started to regret holding the door for him (not because he didn’t say thank you) because he totally rips one. Ok, whatever. Farting is natural, I try to ignore
Looking at this gives me gas
I did a terrible thing to myself over the weekend. My lactose intolerant body consumed cheese fondue. Not all cheeses are created equal, and not all cheeses have the same amount of lactose, but the cheese I chose to dunk my dinner in appeared to have copious amounts of lactose
Sweet Sound of Relief
I’ve come to the sad realization that I am severely lactose intolerant. I’ve always been able to stomach dairy products, some more easily than others, but it was never a huge concern whether I’d have a mild stomach ache or diarrhea as a result. I know eating ice cream makes