I purchased a 1 1/2 lb package of chicken thighs at the grocery store, and I cooked it all for lunch today. I planned to eat only 1/2 lb for lunch since I’m on my pre-wedding diet, 1/2 lb for dinner, and the last 1/2 lb for lunch tomorrow. The chicken was so moist and juicy and delicious I ended up eating all 1 1/2 lbs of it. Oops. I guess it’s almost the weekend and I can allow for one cheat meal, right? So no ragrets. About 3 hours later I had a small bowel movement at work. Of course the office toilet was covered in urine. Thanks, lazy-lady-who-made-me-wipe-up-her-pee. Anyway, after I cleaned off the seat and covered it in multiple layers of seat protector and toilet paper, I pushed out a 1 1/2 lb turd. Pretty sure that was all the chicken I ate. I think that means I’m allowed another cheat meal this weekend. Sweet.